The Taman Tugu forest trail is suitable for beginners
and all age groups.
A full loop of the main trails is the Green (1.5km), Yellow (1.5km), White (1.0km) and Orange (1.0km) trails, which is a total 5.0km. The Nursery trail is 1.0km. Therefore, depending on time availability and fitness level, one can choose to do just a 1.5km or 3.0km or 4.0km or the full 5.0km or the 1.0km Nursery trail.
Entry to the trails is free of charge.
The trail maps are available at the start of the trail and at some checkpoints within the trails.
Follow the respective checkpoint (markers along the trails) based on your preferred route.
Take a photo of the trail map so you can refer to the trail map anytime during your walk.
Pop-up stalls are available at Taman Tugu Nursery every weekend and public holidays from 7.00am to 1.00pm.
Come check the stalls and support local!
A range of “gerai-s” at the Madrasah Bustanul Ulum are open to public weekdays from 7.00am to 7.00pm.